Basics |
There are a ton of graphics to help you on this page, so be patient while the page loads. Here we find out how to set up the game to get a recorded player and a verified file for your ConnLINKS round. Make sure you’ve named your player in the proper way, ie. CTL_PlayerName.
Okay, start Links 2003. When you see the opening screen, click on Play Golf.
Next you should see this screen.
When you do, click on “New Round”. This will get you to the next screen.
Click on the “drop down arrow” beside the course names to pick the correct course. Also click on the “drop down arrow” under that to choose 18 holes.
Now to set up the game look at the right side of this screen. First, make sure that the game is set for “Stroke” play. If it is not, click on the “Change” button and choose “Stroke” from the list of MOP’s (Modes of Play) you find.
When you have clicked on “Stroke”, then go to the right side of the page and click on “OK”.
Now,in order to get a verified score, you must set “mulligans” to “Not allowed”. You also must set “gimmes” to “Not allowed”.
Below that you will see a section marked “Conditions”. Here is where you set the game conditions (Wind, Green Hardness, Green Speed, and Pin Position) for each round you play, according to the schedule. Make sure these are correct before you continue on to the next screen. Once you are sure these conform to the conditions for that week (or Qualifying round), click on “Next” in the lower right corner.
Now you get to place your player in the game. If a player other than your CTL player appears here, click on “Remove Player”. Then click on “Add Player”
This should give you a list of players. Scroll to the CTL player you made and click on it. (Make sure it’s a “human’ player and not a previously recorded player). Then click on “Okay”.
Now we’re back to the player screen. The next important thing to do is to check the box underneath where it says “Record?”. Make sure there is a check mark in that box, otherwise you will not get a recorded (.rec) file.
If everything is set (checking “Caddy” is optional, your choice) go to the lower right of the screen and click on “Begin Play”.
Okay, now you’ve played your round and are ready to save your verified and recorded files. Your scorecard should pop up at the end of your round. Below the scorecard is a button labeled “Verify Score”. Before you do anything else, click on that button!!
This will put you into the screen shown
Where it says “File Name” type in an identifying title for your verfied file. Make sure you used your ID number as the first part of the name. This one shows me naming my Round 2 of my Qualifying round. If this were week 2 you could name it ID_Week2 or something similar. Now you can save this file where ever you want. Just make sure you note where it is going. My suggestion would be to save it in the “Players” folder because you’re going to need it there in order to zip the files together for uploading to ConnLINKS. Once you are sure you have the name correct and the location to which you want to save the file, click on the “Save” button.
This should get you back to the scorecard. Click on “Okay” on this screen.
You should now be in the “Save a Recorded Player” screen. If not, click on “okay” until you reach this screen. (There may be one screen in between showing your stats).
This is similar to saving your verified file. You need to label it properly using your ConnLINKS ID number and a descriptive title for the file. In this example I am saving my recorded round for the second round of my Qualifying round. You can give this the same name as your verified file because they will have different extensions on the end. You have no choice as to where this file goes. Links 2003 automatically puts it in the Recorded Players folder. When you are certain you have properly named your file, click on the “Save” button.
This should conclude your game session, and your files should be properly saved awaiting inclusion into the zip file you will send to ConnLINKS.